
Now that you have set up your development environment, you should get familiar with your environment and the Ion code base.

Useful Commands


To manage your Vagrant box, you should use the following commands:



vagrant suspend

Saves the state of the VM

vagrant resume

Resumes the previous state of theVM

vagrant ssh

SSHs into the VM

vagrant reload

Halts the VM and then brings it back up

vagrant up

Brings up the VM according to specified Vagrantfile

vagrant destroy


Stops the VM & permanently destroys the VM and its contents

To manage the Vagrant box within the box, you should use the following commands:



workon ion

Initialize virtualenvwrapper

fab runserver

Run a server in development

./manage.py migrate

Migrate the database if not already

./manage.py shell_plus

Enter a Python shell

./manage.py collectstatic

Collect static files into a directory

You should ALWAYS make sure workon ion has been run after SSH-ing into the VM. The database should be migrated fairly regularly (especially after changes in the database/models) in development.

Running fab runserver should make the server accessible from localhost:8080 (on your host machine's web browser).

Running ./setup.py test should test your current code base against the Ion test suite.

Code base

Overall Structure


The root of the Ion git repository is split into many parts in order to allow developers to access information quickly:

  • config: Contains scripts/files used provision the Vagrant box

  • cron: Contains cron bash scripts that are only run on production

  • docs: Contains old Ion docs

  • intranet: Contains most of Ion's code

  • Ion.egg-info: Contains information about the Python Ion eggs

  • migrations: Skeleton directory only created for migrations

  • scripts: Contains scripts useful for Ion developers

Some useful files in the root of the Ion git repository include:

  • COPYING: Contains the GPLv2+ for the Ion code

  • fabfile.py: Describes behavior of fab. Used for development/deployment.

  • manage.py: Contains wrapper for Django shell management commands

  • README.rst: Contains the README

  • requirements.txt: Contains Ion's dependencies

  • setup.py: Describes the Python Ion package

  • Vagrantfile: Describes configuration of the Vagrant box


Some useful sub directories of the intranet directory include (as per Django best practices):

  • apps: Contains the vast majority of Django apps

  • middleware: Contains Django middleware

  • settings: Contains Django settings for Ion

  • static: Contains CSS, images, JS, SVGs, themes, and useful documents

  • templates: Contains Django templates and email templates

  • test: Contains the Ion base test suite

  • utils: Contains side-wide utilities

All other files in this directory are per Django convention. If you do not know what they do, Google it.

Within the apps directory, there are multiple Django apps with descriptive names.

Last updated